Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Real Training Has Begun

Well, I'm not doing a very good job at keeping this blog up to date. That might be because real life and responsibilities seem to be getting in the way. Imagine that.

Anyway, I'll get you (the 2 or 3 people who actually look at this blog) up to date. Stephanie and I ran the Riverbend 2010 10K in Chattanooga last month. Man was that course hilly! The 6 mile marker is at the corner of 2 streets, so when I saw it (about 300 yards away), I decided to run hard and finish strong. What did I see when I turned the corner? Freaking .2 miles of sheer straight uphill torture. That's just wrong. I finished the race, but I also have to mention that I finished last in my age group for men. I think I did beat some 85 year old grannies! Oh well. At least I finished!

I began training for my real race this past Tuesday and intend to run again tonight. I massively pulled a muscle in my back a little over a week ago, so I was scared to begin training. However, thanks to a massage from some dude named Wesley and another from a chick with a moustache, I ran my 2 miles pain free! Hopefully that trend continues and I can stay injury free. Injuries are my worst fear. Here's to 2 miles in the miserable heat this evening. I know it will all be worthwhile when I see that beautiful race course in Sonoma!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 2 Run1

Ok. First I need to apologize. It seems that my supposed 3 mile run last week was only 2.4 miles. I must have gauged my route incorrectly on the first go around. I thought that I finished pretty fast for me.

Anyway, today I ran inside on the dread mill because of the rain. I set the program for a 5K and I did really well. The first 2.6 miles went great and I kept up a brisk pace with no walking. My intention was not to walk at all, but I got a little light headed at 2.65 and made myself walk a tenth of a mile. I figured passing out in front of all the YMCA patrons just wasn’t worth it. In the end, I finished a true 5K in about 37 minutes. I’m pretty proud considering I’ve only been back at the running for a little over a week!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week 1 Run 3

After coaching my little league baseball team to a 5-5 tie this morning (the other team wouldn't play extra innings), I decided to get in run number 3 for the week. This was my first attempt at a 3 miler since the "injury". I was really pleased with my first 1.5 miles. I didn't do any walking and I kept up a pretty brisk pace. The last 1.5 miles went OK, but not as well as the first. I walked (quickly) two or three times. My finish was pretty strong again and I managed to finish in less than 35 minutes. I don't know what the exact time was, but I do know that I finished in exactly seven Def Leppard songs (great running music by the way). Oh. Did I mention that I ran with one white sock and one black sock? I decided that this was not a good look, and stopped by Fleet Feet to get some new socks on the way home!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 1, Run 2

After some light weights in the gym, I ran for the second time since my "injury". I think I did pretty well. I did two miles in about 21 or 22 minutes (no pain). The first mile went pretty well, with the exception of "I hate running" going through my mind. Anyway, I kept up a pretty decent pace for me (no walking). The second mile was a bit slower. It was definitely more uphill and I broke down to a brisk walk a couple of times. I made up for it about the last two tenths of a mile with a pretty hard sprint (as fast as I could go after almost two miles).

Slowly but surely I'm fighting the good fight. I'm planning a three mile run on Saturday. I've got to be ready for the Riverbend 10K in June!

PS- Why is running so hard for me? Oh yeah, because I'm the Wimpy Runner!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day Of Reckoning

October 30, 2010 - This will be the day of my running redemption. After a failed attempt at the 2010 Country Music 1/2 Marathon, I intend to redeem my self respect by completing the 2010 Healdsburg Wine Country 1/2 Marathon.

Here is my story. In the fall of 2009, I committed to my wife and to myself that I would run this year's Country Music 1/2 Marathon. I immediately signed up for the race as well as a training program in conjunction with Fleet Feet Sports. The training program consisted of 2 weekly individual runs and 1 weekend group run and was to last for 16 weeks. Training began on a frigid sub-zero Saturday morning. Stephanie and I wimped out of the group run and chose to do our 4 miles on the treadmill at the YMCA. Even tough I completed the run, the failure to run outside was an omen to my lack of commitment and bad luck for the big race. I trained for several weeks and finished a few group runs. However, my lack of commitment continued to rear its ugly head. I kept up the running, but I chose to run by myself as opposed to running with the group. You see, the group runs were scheduled for 7AM on Saturday mornings. Yeah. Not my cup of tea. Anyway, I did train hard enough to complete 8 miles at basically a 10 to 1 interval. I was pretty proud after completing my first 8 miler, but I was really sore the next morning (and my ankles were swelled to the size of grapefruits)! I could barely walk for several days and the swelling would not completely go away. I tried a couple of short runs, but they were basically short limping sessions. Finally, after about a week of this torture, I went to see my friend who is a physical therapist. It turns out that I had a case of tendonitis. He worked on me, gave me some stretching exercises and helped me get the swelling down. I think he believed that I could work through the pain and still achieve my goal. I thought otherwise. The swelling scared me and I was afraid to keep moving. End of story. I did not complete the race. I did go out to the course on the day of the marathon to watch my wife compete. I elbowed my way to the finish line so I could see Stephanie cross. I watched thousands of people finish the race. I saw fat people, skinny people, old people, young people and even barfing people finish the race. It made me feel like crap. Surely some of these people encountered the same injuries as me?

Long story short, I was very disappointed in myself and two days later began my search for redemption. I obviously chose the Healdsburd Wine Country 1/2 Marathon. I am pumped! I signed up for the race, reserved my hotel room and bought a new pair of running shoes. I even completed a pain free 2 mile run yesterday! I love California's Wine Country and I can't wait for the October trip. I'll have beautiful scenery, beautiful people, beautiful weather and a beautiful wife to motivate me. I am finishing this sucker!

Tune in for a weekly update....